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Start working smarter for your goals by checking out our carefully selected resources. Here you will find resources such as studies and book suggestions about productivity, self-development, and psychology that support the principles we follow in our app


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Tips and Tricks
Know how the brain works when concentrating on something.

By Cris R.


376 Days ago


3 Min read

We’re taking a journey into the nooks and crannies of our brain’s incredible ability to concentrate and focus. You know those moments when you’re in the zone (or in the Focus Fortress, as we call it here at Focus 101),

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Know how Focus 101 is empowering Neurodivergent people.

By Cris R.


383 Days ago


3 Min read

Celebrating diversity, the concept of neurodiversity is gaining momentum. Neurodivergent people, encompassing those with conditions like ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and more, possess unique cognitive patterns that often grant them unparalleled creativity and insight. However, the flip side can include challenges in maintaining focus and …


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The Lazy Person’s Guide to Productivity: Yes! You’re reading it right!
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Announcing User Groups
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It’s most common than we would like to admit: FEELING STUCK SUCKS
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