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Tips and Tricks
Navigating the ADHD Adventure: Tips and Tricks for a Fun and Focused Life

By Cris R.


414 Days ago


3 Min read

Hey Focus Masters! I remember the day a great friend told me: “So, you know how sometimes I seem a bit scattered or find it hard to focus? Well, it turns out I have ADHD, which stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. It’s actually pretty common, and it just means that my brain works a little differently…

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Productivity Hacks for Procrastinators: Get Stuff Done and Still Have Time to Chill

By Cris R.


425 Days ago


3 Min read

Have you ever felt guilty at some point for putting off tasks and wasting your free time for hours to avoid something that might have taken ten minutes to complete? Then like me, you are a procrastinator! It is that constant battle against time and self-discipline. It is a struggle that arises from the propensity…


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